State Bushfire Management Plan 2021-2025


South Australia's first State Bushfire Management Plan

The Plan provides a roadmap supporting delivery of reforms contained in the Government's Response to the Independent Review into South Australia's 2019-2020 Bushfire Season that are the responsibility of the State Bushfire Coordination Committee.

Implementation of the SBCC actions contained in the Plan will help build the foundations for effective implementation of South Australia's bushfire management framework. An overview of the Plan can be found here.

SBCC key actions

There are five key actions contained in the State Plan to be overseen by the SBCC. These have been developed to align with the SBCC's statutory functions and support implementation of outcomes from the Independent Review into South Australia's 2019-2020 Bushfire Season.

  • Prepare a state level assessment of 'existential' risks from bushfire
  • Undertake a major review of the governance of the SBCC and BMCs
  • Clearly identify environmental approvals processes supporting bushfire risk reduction
  • Develop a new generation of Bushfire Management Area Plans
  • Support maintenance and periodic review of the SACFS community disaster resilience programme

Coordination actions

These include existing and ongoing actions, as well as new actions resulting from the Government's Response to the Independent Review, or other reforms, being undertaken by SBCC Members and allied agencies.



SBCC Members undertake a range of activities supporting bushfire prevention (risk reduction).



SBCC Members undertake a range of activities supporting bushfire preparedness.



SBCC Members undertake a range of activities supporting bushfire response.



SBCC Members, allied agencies and non-government organisations undertake a range of activities supporting the transition to bushfire recovery.


Current projects

The SBCC oversees projects to support the implementation of the State Bushfire Management Plan, and fulfil its functions under the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 (SA).

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