Publications and resources


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See links below for current policy and procedures supporting the work of the SBCC and BMCs, together with links to legislation, reference materials and historical reports.


State Bushfire Coordination Committee documents

resources-1 Publication

SBCC and BMC Guidelines - January 2018

SBCC and BMC Guidelines January 2018 - includes Terms of Reference for committees and working groups and roles and responsibilities for members

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SBCC and BMC Guidelines - November 2021 Amendment

Amendment to SBCC and BMC Guidelines - Bushfire Management Area Plan (BMAP) Amendments

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SBCC and BMC Guidelines - November 2021 Amendment

Amendment to SBCC and BMC Guidelines - BMC Mid-Term Membership Management Procedure

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Bushfire Management Area Plan Handbook 2018

Bushfire Management Area Plan Handbook outlines the process for the development of Bushfire Management Area Plans and the risk assessment methodology

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Environmental Assets and Assessment Standard

Standard for the identification and risk assessment of South Australian environmental assets from bushfire

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Fire Management Zone Standard and Guidance for Use 2020

This document defines the standards for the establishment of Fire Management Zones, and provides some guidance for use within an approved fire management plan in South Australia

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South Australian Firebreaks, Fire Access Track and Sign Standards Guidelines (v.4 2015)

Government Agencies Fire Management Working Group (GAFMWG) guidelines, seeking to enable Government Agencies to achieve a consistent approach in the establishment and maintenance of firebreaks and tracks used for fire access.


Reference materials - Legislation

resources-1 Legislation

Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 (SA)

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Proclamation of Bushfire Management Areas (2012)


Reference materials - Historical reports

resources-1 Historical Report

Annual Report of the State Coroner 2007-2008

Includes a summary of the recommendations made regarding the Wangary incident

resources-1 Historical Report

Ministerial Review of Bushfire Management Arrangements

Prompted by the Wangary Bushfire of 2005, addresses the Terms of Reference, the recommendations from Project Phoenix, and the Independent Inquiry.

General reference materials from other agencies


Annual Reports

In May 2021, in response to findings of the Independent Review into South Australia's 2019-2020 Bushfire Season, the South Australian Government amended the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 (SA) to require the SBCC to report directly to Parliament, through the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services.

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