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Bushfire Management Area Plan

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Status: LEP BMAP 2.0 - Approved by SBCC 14 August 2020

The Lower Eyre Peninsula Bushfire Management Area Plan (BMAP) 2.0 supersedes the 2015 Provisional Lower Eyre Peninsula BMAP.

Note: Due to instability in the existing software supporting the Bushfire Management Area Plans (BMAPs), the BMAPs will not be updated until the system underpinning them is replaced. Further detail can be found in 'Current projects' under the State Bushfire Management Plan section of the State Bushfire Coordination Committee website. The last approved BMAP is provided below. 

Note: The maps that form part of each BMAP do not show building planning zones. Please refer to Building or developing in bushfire prone areas and use the South Australian Property and Planning Atlas for information relating to building planning requirements.

The Lower Eyre Peninsula BMAP consists of an online map, text document and risk and treatment registers. The written document provides an overview of the region as well as a summary of the risk assessment methodology and key points or areas of concern for the Lower Eyre Peninsula Bushfire Management Committee (BMC).

The Lower Eyre Peninsula BMAP includes a map showing the environmental assets at risk from bushfire. These assets were assessed using the methodology developed by the Ecological Technical Reference Group (a Working Group of the State Bushfire Coordination Committee).

The Lower Eyre Peninsula BMC (LEP BMC) is working on implementation planning, monitoring and reporting.


Map of the Lower Eyre Bushfire Management Area
  • District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula
  • City of Port Lincoln
  • District Council of Tumby Bay

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