About the Committee

What area does the BMC cover?
NOTE: The boundaries of the Flinders Mid-North and Yorke (FMNY) Bushfire Management Area were amended and the FMNY BMC concluded on 30 June 2024. The Mid-North and Yorke (MNY) BMC and the Flinders and Outback (FO) BMC websites can be found through the Bushfire Management Committee landing page on the SBCC website.
When in operation, the FMNY Bushfire Management Area included the following local government areas:
- Adelaide Plains Council (formerly DC of Mallala)
- Barunga West Council
- Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council
- Copper Coast Council
- The Flinders Ranges Council
- Regional Council of Goyder
- Light Regional Council
- District Council of Mount Remarkable
- Northern Areas Council
- District Council of Orroroo Carrieton
- District Council of Peterborough
- Port Augusta City Council
- Port Pirie Regional Council
- Wakefield Regional Council
- Yorke Peninsula Council
Committee membership
The following organisations are members of the Flinders Mid-North and Yorke Peninsula BMC:
- Adelaide Plains Council
- Barunga West Council
- CFS Volunteers Association (Mid North)
- CFS Volunteers Association (Yorke Peninsula)
- Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council
- Conservation Council South Australia
- Copper Coast Council
- Department for Environment and Water (DEW)
- Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT)
- District Council of Mount Remarkable
- District Council of Orroroo Carrieton
- District Council of Peterborough
- Forestry SA
- Light Regional Council
- Metropolitan Fire Service (SAMFS)
- Northern and Yorke Landscape Board
- Northern Areas Council
- Port Augusta City Council
- Port Pirie Regional Council
- Primary Producers South Australia
- Regional Council of Goyder
- SA Metropolitan Fire Service (SAMFS)
- SA Police (SAPOL)
- SA Water
- The Flinders Ranges Council
- Wakefield Regional Council
- Yorke Peninsula Council
Meeting minutes and communiques
Endorsed BMC minutes and communiques can be found here.