About the Committee

What area does the BMA cover?
NOTE: The Flinders and Outback, and Mid-North and Yorke Bushfire Management Areas (BMAs) and their associated BMCs were established on 1 July 2024, as a result of a boundary amendment of the Flinders Mid-North and Yorke and Outback BMAs.
The Mid-North and Yorke Busfire Management Area includes the following local government areas:
- Adelaide Plains Council (formerly DC of Mallala)
- Barunga West Council
- Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council
- Copper Coast Council
- Regional Council of Goyder
- Light Regional Council
- Northern Areas Council
- Port Pirie Regional Council
- Wakefield Regional Council
- Yorke Peninsula Council
Committee membership
The following organisations are members of the BMC:
- Aboriginal Lands Trust
- Alinytjara Wilurara Landscape Board
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Council (APY Council)
- CFS Volunteers Association
- Conservation Council South Australia
- Department for Environment and Water (DEW)
- Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT)
- Department of Defence (Federal)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA)
- District Council of Mount Remarkable
- District Council of Orroroo Carrieton
- District Council of Peterborough
- DPC - Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation (DPC-AAR)
- Maralinga Tjarutja Council
- Municipal Council of Roxby Downs
- Outback Communities Authority (OCA)
- Pastoral Board
- Port Augusta City Council
- Primary Producers South Australia
- SA Police (SAPOL)
- South Australia Northern Territory Oil Search (SANTOS)
- The Flinders Ranges Council
Meeting minutes and communiques
Endorsed BMC minutes and communiques can be found here.