Bushfire Management Committees


About Bushfire Management Committees

The role of Bushfire Management Committees is to support the management of bushfire risk in the area of the landscape covered by the Committee, by coordinating implementation of Bushfire Management Area Plans.

Bushfire Management Committees are established for each of the nine Bushfire Management Areas established by proclamation under the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 (SA).

NOTE: The boundaries of both the Flinders Mid-North and Yorke (FMNY) and Outback Bushfire Management Areas were amended effective 1 July 2024. The below map only shows the old Bushfire Management Areas, and will be updated when a new map becomes available. 

SBCC Area Map

Each Committee has representatives from fire, land and emergency management agencies, including State and local government. Representative bodies for primary producers, CFS volunteers and conservation groups also have members on many BMCs.

Governance within Bushfire Management Committees

Bushfire Management Committees are supported by staff of the SA Country Service based in the State's regions.

Bushfire Management Committees have the following statutory functions:

  • Advise the SBCC on bushfire prevention in their area
  • Promote coordination of and prepare policies, practices and strategies
  • Prepare, and to keep under review, a Bushfire Management Area Plan (BMAP) and ensure it is consistent with the State Bushfire Management Plan
  • Oversee implementation of the BMAP and report any failure or delay in this process to the SBCC or the Minister
  • Work with local communities to promote and improve effective bushfire management.

BMC members and their deputies are appointed by the SBCC for a three year term. The current term commenced on 1 July 2024 and will conclude on 30 June 2027.

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