Bushfire Management Area Plans


Bushfire management planning in South Australia

The State Bushfire Coordination Committee is responsible for overseeing bushfire management planning in South Australia. The SBCC has divided the State into nine Bushfire Management Areas (BMAs). There is a Bushfire Management Committee (BMC), for each Area. Each BMC has prepared a Bushfire Management Area Plan (BMAP) for its area.

Bushfire Management Area Plans

Due to instability in the existing software supporting the Bushfire Management Area Plans (BMAPs), the BMAPs will not be updated until the system underpinning them is replaced. Further detail can be found in 'Current projects' under the State Bushfire Management Plan section of the State Bushfire Coordination Committee website.

The last approved BMAPs are linked below. These can be viewed as an interactive online map. A text document setting out the Plan activities, and a Risk and Treatment register, can be downloaded.

NOTE: The Flinders and Outback, and Mid-North and Yorke Bushfire Management Areas (BMAs) were proclaimed in mid-2024, as a result of a boundary amendment of the Flinders Mid-North and Yorke and Outback BMAs. The BMAP information for the new BMAs is contained in the last approved Flinders Mid-North and Yorke and Outback BMAPs.

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